Soviet Military Citations

Large Honorary Certificate issued in 1928 to former Red Army Deputy Commissar, by Revolutionary Military Council on occasion of the 10th anniversary of the RKKA (Red Army). Hand-signed by Iosif Unshlikht, Deputy People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council. Good condition.

Honorary Certificate issued in October 1944 by an NKVD Correctional Labor Camp.
Awarded for completing the assignment - laying a part of the main track of the Baikal-Amur Railroad - 82 days ahead of schedule. Unusual and colorful artwork features portraits of Stalin and Lenin and a railway train speeding through the forest.

Honorary Certificate issued in August 1939 to the wife of an NKVD Naval Border Guard officer
in Leningrad Region. She was given the certificate and a monetary reward for winning first prize in NKVD sports competition. Nice artwork specifically designed for NKVD: shows NKVD Internal Army trooper guarding the industrial installations and NKVD Border Guard on patrol near a border marker. In very good condition.

Group of 4 Award Documents and Greetings to Hero of the Soviet Union including Document for a 62nd / 8th Guards Army Veteran Badge hand-
signed by Marshal Chuikov, 1960s-80s. The recipient, an Airborne Sergeant, earned the title of Hero in the battle of Kiev, which was catastrophic for the Red Army. He was among the first to become an HSU during the war.